
Reasons We Can’t Help But Fall in Love with our New Dashboard!

Client dashboards are a vital tool no immigration consultancy service can afford to be without. This is because unless you possess superhuman powers, there is no way you can keep track of all your clients and the stages at which their cases are. What’s even more difficult is keeping track of which associate is directly responsible for which client. Because I deal with this situation day in and day out, I understand how difficult it is to stay on top of things. This is why the dashboard function in my software is a must-have tool.

My dashboard transforms critical business data into simple to understand data that pops out at you. Colour coded information requiring immediate action reminds you that action needs to be taken.

Jenna Weaver advocates using a dashboard because it allows you to “pull key information from all software applications into one place.” You can manage your department or oversee several departments from one information-packed location. Jess Kirkbride believes that dashboards allow us to make educated decisions, foresee what is around the corner, and if there is a problem, the data offer warnings.

The Ezymigrate software and its dashboard tool allow you to monitor all your clients and caseworkers as well. You can see all the critical deadlines and if some vital information is missing from a given case. Other benefits include:

  • Quick and active decision making: The single-page display gives managers and caseworkers all the vital information needed for better performance.
  • Latest Information: The dashboard displays all the latest information needed to keep everyone informed and focused on the tasks at hand.
  • Identification of Problems: If any key data is missing or deadlines are approaching, you will be able to see them clearly on the dashboard and take appropriate action in a timely fashion. 

Being updated and informed about all the cases your company is working on, will allow you to better serve your clients. At a glance, you can answer all your client queries regarding their case. When clients are properly guided, they become assets who will promote your name. This is why you need the Ezymigrate software and its dashboard tool.