If you could start from scratch, what would a CRM system tailored for New Zealand immigration advisors look like? This is the question I asked when we started to develop Ezymigrate: forget the restrictions of other CRM systems; forget the limitations of other types of software; and assume anything is possible. What would the CRM look like?
In summary, any CRM system for immigration advisors should make it easier and less time consuming to meet the IAA’s code of conduct for immigration advisors.

What Is A CRM?
First let’s look at what a CRM does, in general. The acronym stands for Customer Relationship Management. A CRM system should therefore manage processes, communications, and documents related to your immigration clients.
It sounds the perfect technology for immigration professionals, so why are CRM systems so under-utilised in the industry. It comes down to three reasons:
- Suitability – there are hundreds – probably thousands – of CRM systems on the market but none of them (until Ezymigrate was launched) was customised for the New Zealand immigration professional. You can have as much choice as you like but it is useless if none of them deliver the functions that you need.
- Time risk – faced with the fact that there was nothing specifically designed for the industry, immigration advisors had to consider the amount of time they would have to invest in a CRM system to make it work. It is understandable that many thought that the time they would have to spend didn’t justify the benefits.
- Financial risk – finally there is a financial risk of investing in a system that is not 100 percent right, but that you will try to make-work. The likelihood is that it would end up unused and gathering dust.
What Should A CRM Customised For Immigration Advisors Do?
Now we are back to the original question – what should a tailored CRM do so that it seamlessly fits into any immigration advisory business in New Zealand? There are three main things:
- Client files – maintaining proper client files is essential to the work of an immigration advisor, but it is a task that can be labour intensive. It is also an area where mistakes are easily made – documents saved in the wrong place, items removed from hard copy files and not returned, etc. A CRM tailored for immigration advisors must handle the maintenance of client files. Everything should be stored in one place, processes should be automated, and manual processes should be made more efficient.
- Communication – making applications on time, meeting deadlines, and maintaining good levels of communication with clients is also crucial to the role of an immigration advisor. This includes specific tasks like informing a client when an application has been lodged, keeping the client up-to-date on the progress of that application, and in general building a relationship with the client so that proper advice can be given. A CRM customised for immigration advisors should handle emails and other forms of communication, facilitate the filling out of VISA application forms online, have reminders, and automate as many processes as possible.
- Security – the IAA places significant emphasis on the importance of security and confidentiality in relation to an immigration advisor’s dealings with a client. Things like financial and personal documents must be kept secure, while the identity of the client must be kept confidential. Any CRM system tailored for immigration advisors must meet these requirements while still maintaining functionality that makes the business more efficient. For example, employees should have access to a client’s file so that their application can be handled properly, but it should be restricted to prevent anyone else from accessing it.
The Blueprint :- What you have above is a blueprint of a CRM system that could integrate seamlessly into an immigration advisor’s business. It would create efficiencies and help the business save money.

These are the core functions that are included in Ezy Migrate. If you would like to find out more about the system or see this online two minutes video https://youtu.be/ywFLjshiYg8. In case of any other query, feel free to get in touch today.