Immigration policy in New Zealand has changed significantly over the last two years, making the business landscape even more difficult for immigration advisors. Specifically, potential visa applicants are confused, so need information. This takes up valuable time, however – time immigration advisors don’t have. Not only that, this new reality makes getting conversions more difficult, which places even greater strain on the business.
I use social media platforms to promote Ezymigrate, so I know how social media can help with the above challenges. I’ve also seen some immigration advisors who are getting social media right and are actually benefiting from the policy changes that are causing so much difficulty elsewhere in the industry.
The immigration advisors that are good at social media always have a solid plan. In fact, this is the number one piece of advice given by Christina Newberry on the Hootsuite blog. She says properly using social media starts with having a good plan.
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On the Buffer blog, Brian Peters offers additional advice on how to shape your strategy. This includes making a commitment and using social media to show off your personality. He also says you should “listen, rather than promote”.
Tailoring this advice to immigration advisors, here are three things you should do to make social media work for your business:
● Post a variety of content, including advice – social media platforms like Facebook are not direct selling tools. Therefore, you can’t just post content that has a marketing message. Instead, offer generic immigration advice and tips. This will engage your audience and demonstrate your expertise.
● Host live Q&A sessions – a fantastic way of engaging your audience is by hosting live question and answer sessions where your immigration experts answer questions from your audience.
● Capture leads – social media isn’t just about engaging an audience, of course. You need to capture leads too. The best way to do this is to connect your social media pages to your CRM to ensure you have a seamless information flow.
Ezymigrate can help with the latter point. It has customisable enquiry and assessment forms that you can send to potential clients. You can also link to these forms on your social media channels, connecting your social audience directly to your CRM.
For more proven tips and ideas to promote your business on social media, contact us now.